Before using the services through: "MensajerÃa Acelerada o Courier" it is necessary to know that Servientrega classifies them in categories, which we detail below:
By resolution 008-2022 COMEX, recipients may only use this category for a maximum of one thousand six hundred U.S. dollars (USD 1,600.00) FOB value, for each fiscal year, being renewed the quota the following year, which began to be made from May 16, 2022 to December 31, 2022.
IMPORTANT: In this category only the Ecuadorian ID card is accepted as valid, no other type of document should be used to generate waybills.
The description of the content must be well detailed, including the number of quantities of the articles.
Example: 3 pairs of shoes, 2 items of clothing, 1 perfume.
This category does pay duties:
Ad-valorem (tariff): The percentage will depend on the tariff heading of the product, its nature, and will be charged at destination.
VAT: 12%.
Fodinfa: 0.5% (Child Development Fund).
IMPORTANT: When generating the waybill, the recipient's e-mail address must be requested so that Servientrega Ecuador can coordinate the collection of the corresponding taxes.
Once we dispatch the shipment to the destination country, you can track your packages with your tracking number at or you can call the customer service line if you are in the United States (+1) 786 331 9001 or from Ecuador (+593) 96 316 6796.